Tuesday, November 24, 2009

15 Month Check-up

Today we took the girls to their 15 month check-up. Our doc thinks the girls are doing awesome. Abby weighed in at 21 lbs 4 oz and Chloe weighed in at 19 lbs 7 oz. They are nearly 2 lbs apart but the only way you can tell is when you pick them up. Abby is more solid feeling while Chloe is petite. He looked in their mouths for any teeth and he did not seemed at all concerned with their lack of teeth for 15 monthes. He thinks they are going to get the fangs in first. You can see Chloe's are ready (two small white spots) so we think she will get hers first. Abby has definite ridges but no real white spots. We will wait and see. They got three spots today including the H1N1 and took them like champs! We don't have any official walkers yet but they are using their strollers to walk all over our house. Abby can turn herself when she gets stuck on something and enjoys circling the dining table. We've been teaching our girls sign langauage for about a month or so and the girls have really picked up on it. They know the signs for milk, more, baby and eat/food. Abby actually crawled up to me on Sunday and did the sign for milk and when I got her milk out of the fridge she was so happy. I am amazed everyday by how much they undersatnd what we are saying and doing. They know where their tongue, nose, eyes and hair are when asked. They've been picking up more words like hi, eye, cat, Chloe says tiger when pointing to Winnie the Pooh's Tiger. When you ask them if they got mail today they go and look in their little mail box. I could go on and on but I'll save some others for later!

Today I started packing for our Thanksgiving trip down to Grandpa and Grandma's. We leave Wednesday after Joe gets off work!

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