Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Over the past 10 months Chloe has gotten s few nicknames. My mom starting calling her Chloe Belle since she first came home from the hospital and it just stuck (which I sometimes refer to her as Chloe Belle Belle), I call her Chlo which is just short for Chloe (and if Joe is near when I call her Chlo he corrects me saying her name is ChloE) and Greg & Laura call her Wiggles Nic Nic (because she is squirmy and the Nic Nic from her middle and last name). A few weeks ago I started calling her Chloe Tongue Tongue because for about a week straight all she did was stick her tongue out. You might ask where she picked up this new skill and I have no idea where she could have picked up this behavior because I never stick my tongue out...ha ha.

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